5 Bed
5 Bath
5 Car
2023 m²
5 Bed
5 Bath
5 Car
2023 m²
This Property is situated on a 2023m2 block consisting of 5 x 1 bedroom with built ins low set brick units each with separate bathroom and internal laundry facilities. Open plan kitchen, lounge/dining with split system air con and ceiling insulation.
They are on one title
No Body Corporate
Each unit has under cover car accommodation.
Each unit has its own power meter paid by tenant.
Water meter is for entire block and paid by the owner approx. $1289 per quarter
Land rates are approx. $1622.10 per quarter
Insurance approx. $4123.10 per annum
Rental income - all units are rented and currently returning $1120 per week or $58240 per annum
The property DID flood in 2011 about 600mm high in units all repaired under insurance.
However they DID NOT flood in 2013 or 2022
The units are in reasonable condition in side with all electric hot water and cooking facilities
Close to public transport short drive to Ipswich central.
Owners have had this property for a number of years and now selling this opportunity as retirement strategy.
Owners have now set a price for this opportunity.
For more information please contact me Jon on 0418 88 88 04
Realway Property Consultants has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained in this advertisement is true and correct but accept no responsibility and disclaim all liability in respect to any errors, accuracies, omissions, or misstatements contained. Prospective Buyers are encouraged to make their own enquiries to verify the relevant information contained in this advertisement and obtain professional advice if necessary.
Realway Property Consultants Ipswich – Real Service Real Results
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